Jubilee News
News Updated 22nd November 2024
First Things First
A special thanks for all who prayed for me with the recent ministry trip to the UK, Germany and eight states in the USA. I was deeply aware of your prayers, especially when I was driving through Hurricane Helene in South Carolina. The fruit was good!
Events: As advised last August
Fri. 10th & Sat. 11th January
Venue: Eastgate Christian Centre,
5 Ben Lomond Cres, Pakuranga
Palmerston North:
Fri. 17th & Sat. 18th January
Venue: Gateway Christian Fellowship,
174 Church Street, Palmerston North
Live Streaming:
Fri. 17th & Sat. 18th January (NZ Summer Time)
9:30-11am; 11:30-12:30pm
1:30-3pm; & 3:30-5pm (daily)
Register on-line - times approx, subject to program.
Our Special Guest Equippers are:
Dr. David Tweed - A Pastor’s Responsibility
Kaylene Subritzky - Authority to Heal
Lee Malaulau - Prophetic Responsibility
Norm McLeod - Apostolic Responsibility
Craig & Sonia Munro - Discipleship Responsibility
Live Worship from Vaughan Tongs, Virginia & Kyle Marshall
Main Themes:
How to Share your Faith with results;
How to Disciple People;
How to use Healing to Evangelise;
Protocols for the Biblical Five-fold ministries: Apostle; Prophet; Teacher; Pastor; Evangelist;
(All these are commands by Jesus for His followers)
For 21 consecutive years (2003 to 2023) every January in New Zealand, Jubilee Resources hosted Summer Schools with various speakers and ministries from around the world. As a consequence many testimonies have been reported of spiritual, emotional, financial and relational healing.
God said that school is out, we should have learned enough by now! NOW it's time to get ACTIVATED for the Kingdom responsibilities God has prepared you for. Your age is irrelevant to your calling. For example Moses started ministry at age 80.
You can either wait on the next move of God
Or realise that you are the next move of God!
Mark your phone, diary, calendar and plan to attend!
Ministry Travels
After a five year break from international travels, it was a bit daunting to fly straight through to the United Kingdom. Burton on Trent with Stephen and Jenny Watson was a wonderful time of teaching and ministry. I copied a facebook post from one man who had a bad back for 20+ years, and was healed.
Then it was off to Germany, to meet friends Gerhard & Eulalee Bals in Iserlohn. We had previously done some Zoom teaching on Freemasonry, with other subjects planned. One of the most significant events was a prophetic word for New Zealand from the co-host, Eulalee, which was posted on my facebook page. Within a couple of days it had been watched and shared by over 10,000 people. Ministries in NZ have since studying to seek understanding of God's solutions to issues in this nation.
Then it was off to Fort Lauderdale in Florida for a conference on spiritual deliverance with Invicta Ministries. This ministry use four of my books as text books for effective ministry.
One of the other speakers mentioned an event that happened to him. He had been invited to preach in an Evangelical church, he noticed the youth pastor in the front row manifesting a demon while he was preaching. The preacher simply stepped out of the pulpit, evicted the demon and then returned to his message. At the end of that service, the senior pastor gathered the church staff and the guest preacher together and commanded them never to speak of this event again. Two weeks prior to the conference in Fort Lauderdale, the speaker received a letter from one of the people in that service and it included a newspaper clipping showing that senior pastor was going to prison, and had been convicted of paedophilia. The speaker made the observation that when pastors oppose deliverance from unclean spirits & demons, usually it's because they are hiding sin, either their own or someone in leadership. About a quarter of Jesus' ministry was evicting unclean spirits & demons, so that's another legitimate tool for helping set people free.
Then it was a ten-hour drive to Georgia for a private meeting to discuss some Christian educational options, as requested by many pastors and others mainly from Africa and Asia. Prayer would help for now, while we work on this - more about that later.
Then a drive to South Carolina, with meetings in Charleston, and then Spartanburg. That wasn't the first hurricane I've driven through, but Helene was a challenge. It knocked out the power so our second Spartanburg meeting had to be cancelled.
Next was a flight to Dallas for the AGM of the International Society of Deliverance Ministers, of which I am a founding member and serve on the apostolic council. It was great to meet old friends and make new ones. This was followed by another ten-hour drive to Lillian, Alabama, for a conference hosted by Dr. Russ & Mave Moyer, who I've know for 20+ years.
Then it took a day of flying and airports to get to Challis, Idaho, to teach at another conference. While there we held a healing service, and led people through a prayer for their hypothalamus. One woman who had Celiac was healed, and she chose to eat pizza in front of us the following day without any problem.
Then it was off to Bakersfield California, with our good friends Dr. Max and Nancy Van Dyke. That too was a productive couple of days of ministry. Then the long flight home. Those six weeks went fast, and God was very good! Thanks again for the prayer support.
(Sorry, I kept forgetting to take photos, it was too enthralling to see God at work.)
Lessons from Joseph:
They took Joseph's coat, but they couldn't take his favour. They rejected his gift, but they couldn't stop it from working. They threw him in a pit, but he still ended up in a palace. They laughed at his calling, but repented when they realised they needed him in it.
Joseph's own brothers couldn't recognise the anointing upon his life, but Pharaoh did. When the people closest to you can't see what you carry, God whispers your name to those who can.
People can close doors on you all they want, but when God has a mandate on your life, He will open an entire gate that no man can shut. When your favour is given by God, no demon can steal it. They can steal your stuff, lie about your character, gossip about your past, slander your name, and sell you out for personal gain, but God will still give you the victory, the power, and the authority to accomplish His will.
Let them talk. This is your journey to the next level. And sooner or later, you'll be sitting at tables nobody thought you were qualified to sit at. Remember who you are and who you belong to. It’s not over yet, there's still work to do. (Shared from Joshua Reyes.)
Not everyone will understand where you’re going, and that’s okay!
You have to do what God is calling you to do.
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